Need your feedback for Product Hunt analytics

Jonni Gani
31 replies
Last month I launched a Chrome extension that lets you have dark mode for Product Hunt, as well as streak reminder. I recently added a few analytics charts to motivate you to become a consistent PH user. Here's a sample screenshot: I think the analytics feature is really cool, and it works well for me, but I'd love to have you try it and tell me how I can improve it further. To access your own PH analytics, you'll need to sign up to the Upperhunt web app, and connect it to your PH account. Your support and feedback will encourage me to keep working on this project. 🙏 I have big plans for it. Next up: spam-proof DM!


Launching soon!
i think it is poor performance on Producthunt for you?
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Hey Jonni! I signed up for your app! It looks good! ✨ Also, we're launching soon! (
@mplebl Thank you. Is the analytics something that you would use? If not, why not? It's OK, you don't need to look after my feelings. I'm seeking genuine feedback. Constructive criticism is definitely welcome!
Umar Saleem
Signed Up! Great product, @jgani. I am looking forward to future changes.
@umar_saleem Thanks Umar. Any feedback?
Umar Saleem
@jgani I think there should also be tracking of kitty points, Streak, and badges. And when the data is updated?
Umar Saleem
@jgani spam-proof DM! Can you explain more about this?
Umar Saleem
@jgani Agreed! The frequency of badges is low, but this can still be showcased. Maybe in some other way, like some Rank, maybe Level of Profile. There Should be something like that
@umar_saleem Sure. Spam isn't something that I can solve with just one thing. It needs to be a multi pronged approach (I'm sounding like AI but I'm not lol) These are the things I'm considering: 1) Give people visibility and exposure through other features, to reduce their need to spam DM 2) Web of trust. For example, I flag you as a trusted user. This will allow you to use DM freely, as well as flag other users as trusted. As so on. A trusted user who abuses DM will have their trusted flag revoked. 3) Make people earn access to DM, in order to reduce once-off "hit and run" behaviour If you have ideas, I'm all ears :)
Chris Liam
I signed up for your app! It looks good! But I'll give you a better feedback after I'll see all of its features. Also, we're launching soon!
Tiep Vu
Very great for launching projects here on PH! We're launching AppAlloy too: You got my support, Jonni!
Kate Ramakaieva
I would like to try your app, like the analytics!
Rohit Joshi
That's really awesome, will defiantly try it out
I attempted to register for your product, but I got stuck. I did not receive the verification email in my Outlook inbox. Additionally, entering an email for registration is a hassle for me. I suggest that you consider implementing third-party logins such as Google, X, Apple, etc. I believe this will enhance the product's conversion rate.
@brandon_cccc Thanks for the feedback Brandon. Can you check if the verification email landed in your spambox? Will definitely look into SSO! This is super valuable feedback. Thank you very much!
One feedback - Make the dark a little less dark. I mean, the current dark is in high contrast with the text colors. I wear spectacles with a weird focal power and the high contrast colors make it a little difficult to read. Other than that, it's great! @jgani
@vertikanigam Thanks Vertika. Currently I use simple color inversion to implement dark mode. I'll try and apply some custom CSS to get the outcome that you need. To confirm, you want higher contrast right? As in, you want the text to stand out more?
@jgani No, make it lower contrast. because high contrast makes the white font too bright. This may not be the problem with others, but for people with eye vision issues, this could be a thing. Thank you for considering :)
@vertikanigam Good news. I've been able to lower the contrast as per your request. It actually looks much better. I've pushed this new release to the Chrome Web Store. You browser should get it in a few days.
@jgani Not good. It's great news. You actually took the feedback and took the time to implement it. You're awesome :)
@vertikanigam You're awesomer for giving me feedback Vertika :) I post on Product Hunt in order to get real, genuine feedback. I'm grateful that you gave me some. I'm sure the latest CSS override won't be perfect, so please let me know if you want me to improve things further.