How do you tell if you're featured on PH during the first 4 hours?

Jonni Gani
6 replies
Can this information be found anywhere on the launch dashboard? Or is repeatedly refreshing the homepage the only way to find out?


To tell if you're featured on Product Hunt within the first 4 hours, keep an eye on your product's upvote count and comments, as a sudden spike typically indicates a feature. Additionally, check the Product Hunt homepage for your product's placement, as featured products are prominently displayed at the top.
Umar Saleem
Well, refreshing was the only option, but now you can see that even before the launch, as it shows on the launch page
@umar_saleem You can see that your launch will be featured or hidden before the launch? That's big! Do you mind sharing a screenshot?
Umar Saleem
@jgani Yes, this is a much-needed change. I am trying to attach a screenshot, but let me share it on another platform.
@umar_saleem Thanks Umar. I believe you can simply paste the link here. I also just got in touch with you on X :)