Taskful: The Smart To-Do List

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28 Reviews
1 review

Anna Filou
Anna Filou
⭐ Top reviewer
Geek, Designer, Illustrator, Web Dev
97 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 3.0
I remember using Taskful a couple of years ago and really liked the idea behind it but unfortunately the implementation was not on par. Sadly, that hasn't changed. I installed it again yesterday and was genuinely surprised to see that the app is still buggy (at least on Android) and that there is still no way to have a task repeat after a certain amount of days. You can only have tasks repeat on certain days of the week, but not, say, "every two days." There also doesn't appear to be a way to reorder categories. It would be cool if the app could be configured to show categories with a lot of tasks first and put the empty ones at the end. I love being able to create tasks that have to be completed multiple times (e.g. "drink 4 glasses of water" has to be done four times in order to be considered completed) BUT I don't like the fact that the app tries (and often fails) to figure out by itself which of my tasks are like that. Case in point: I have some bookkeeping tasks to do so I created a task called "do bookkeeping" and two subtasks: "2020" and "2019." The app thought that these were tasks that have to be completed 2020 and 2019 times respectively and there is NO way to manually override that. Taskful has a lot of potential but it still needs a lot of work.

Yiğit Pınarbaşı
UI/UX Designer and many other things
4 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 2.0

I was way happier while I was using this app freely.


Hunting the dead.
54 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 3.0
In my opinion those virtual awards (the stickers) make people more anxious about their goals. I don't think this app is very good at that.

Spencer P Shulem
Founder, BuildBetter.app
12 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 2.0

Nathaniel Blackburn
UI Engineer
41 reviews
Recommended this product
Review of Taskful 2.0

105 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 3.0

Nathan Keen
UX/UI Designer
1 review
Does not recommend this product
Review of Taskful 2.0

Information architecture fail:

No sectioning for tasks or projects -- so you get 10+ and you're gone. You are in procrastination heaven.

Task managment fail (!?!):

(1) You can't add more than about 15 projects - you run out of colours and the screen goes white and the projects are greyed out (?!).

(2) You can't edit tasks after you write them - only tick them off. And if you accidentally tick them, you can't untick them.

FOCUS/productivity fail:

(1) When you miss a SINGLE day of tasks, it's lumped into "Today", so you lose any benefit of focusing (plus you can't edit the date - and if you could, you can't do it quickly enough to be beneficial).

(2) When you are adding a task via a category it's automatically got a date - but then you've got to move it every single time you don't complete it (x50 tasks/day). So this is a waste of time. It should default to no date unless you choose one, or there be a bulk way to select and change dates.

(How can I say this so confidently? I'm writing a productivity course, and I've used almost every to-do app out there.)


CJ Milli
CJ Milli
1 review
Recommended this product
Review of Taskful 2.0

Lydia Jones
1 review
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Review of Taskful