Dolibarr ERP CRM

Dolibarr ERP CRM

Open source ERP, CRM and POS for business
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What do people think of Dolibarr ERP CRM?

The community submitted 10 reviews to tell us what they like about Dolibarr ERP CRM, what Dolibarr ERP CRM can do better, and more.
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10 Reviews
Florian Mortgat
2 reviews
Our clients are Dolibarr users and we offer them related services (we specialize in Dolibarr). We also use it for ourselves, using custom workflows to automate our invoicing, time-tracking, project monitoring and server management processes among others. Dolibarr improves fast, not only with new features brought by the community and the many external modules on offer, but also with constant improvements in user friendliness, programmer friendliness and stability. There is a very rich set of features in the core. We don't use all of them internally (manufacturing orders for instance, or bill of materials) but some of our clients do and they can thus identify areas where Dolibarr could improve and their inputs ultimately drive Dolibarr's roadmap. The ERP/CRM itself is super easy to understand (I personally started using it long before I took my current job as a Dolibarr programmer). There is a steep learning curve for module and core programming, though (like every 20+ year-old project, it has some tech debt and, since it was started by French-speaking programmers, some of the original naming conventions were questionable), but the community and forums are very supportive, there is a growing English, German and Spanish speaking community, and Eldy, the project's maintainer, is aware of these few shortcomings and has an excellent overall vision on how to overcome these and make things easier for programmers too.

Maxime Kohlhaas
Co-founder of ATM Consulting
1 review
After 10+ years working and improving Dolibarr for customers, community and ourselves, I still consider Dolibarr the most effective ERP-CRM software. Easy to use and to improve, its codebase and features are enhanced with every new version, and it makes our customer's life (and ourselves') easier ! Backed by a growing community and an active foundation, Dolibarr is a real open source software.

Joachim Kueter
CEO at Bloxera
1 review
Dolibarr ERP/CRM is an Open Source company management software which is easy to install, easy to customize and easy to use. It's a great solution for companies of various sizes that want to digitize their business processes, but keep control over their data without any vendor lock in. Dolibarr comes at no cost, comprising 90+ modules out of the box, supporting many business scenarios. Just switch on what you need and turn off the rest, to keep the UI clean . In addition, there a various external modules available, both, paid and for free. The project is backed by a non-profit foundation, which gives reassurance that Dolibarr remains an Open Source Project also in the future. And its development history of now 20 years is proof that it is long lasting and capable to address required changes over time.

Yoan Mollard
Freelancer engaged in non-profits
1 review
Ideal for SMEs and non-profits. Great ERP system that can be extended for custom needs in just a minute with a few lines of code, compared to other framework-based ERPs hard to customize without a deep knowledge of the system.

EirLab Community
We are a community fablab in France
1 review
Easy to setup and easy to customize either with existing extensions from the store or with custom PHP code. Our non-profit runs on Dolibarr in day to day life.

Christian Humpel
Management of HUSCH GmbH
1 review
Extensive and good ERP CRM. The functionality/modules are well thought out. The REST API for automation is great! To implement this software in the company make a lot of fun.

laurent magnin
1 review
I have been using Dolibarr for years, we use it for ours enterprise, proposals, invoices,project,task...

Günter Lukas
1 review
The best open-source ERP solution

DoliCloud ERP CRM

Other at DoliCloud

1 review

Dolibarr Association
The foundation for Open source ERP & CRM
1 review