How do you see the industry addressing and balancing the need for data access with privacy?

Nabeel Amir
18 replies


Steffen Schulz
Personalized advertising relies heavily on user data.
Madison Gallaghers
Industry giants are likely to invest heavily in privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) like federated learning, homomorphic encryption, and differential privacy. These tools enable data insights without revealing the underlying individual data, allowing for secure collaboration and analysis.
Tegan Bradleys
Expect stricter data protection laws with clearer user rights and stricter penalties for breaches. Regulations like GDPR and CCPA will likely inspire similar frameworks globally, pushing companies towards responsible data use.
Daniel Evans
Blockchain's potential for decentralized, secure data management is intriguing.
Daniel Evans
User-centric data ownership models could redefine the landscape.
Gavin Marshall
As AI algorithms become more sophisticated, the need for large datasets grows.
Isaac Greyson
GDPR has set a standard for data protection, but global regulations vary.
Jack Rhodes
Privacy-focused browsers and search engines are gaining popularity.
James Keats
Facial recognition technology raises significant privacy concerns.
Leo Cobain
The concept of data trusts is gaining attention.
Ali Raza
Algorithmic bias is a significant concern.
Mohsin Riaz
Consent fatigue is a real issue.
Alvaro Villalba Perez
The ones who move $$$ (enterprise and corporates) do have access to many years of data -- but they're private themselves. So I don't expect any issue for them, just for the consumer who has no power over privacy...
Harry Turner
Transparency reports are becoming common.
Sheikh Waqas
Privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs) are diverse.
Angelina Shaw
The industry is increasingly moving towards zero-trust security models.
Huynh Trinh
There is a conflict here in the current situation. The company need data to provide the best user experience for the product to the customers. But the customers want to keep their data in secret and safe. However they require that the product must understand them and their behavior to serve well. So the company got stuck. Without user data insights, how can the product can understand users to provide best personalized services and products? So I suggest it should have the ability where user can decide to share/sell their data to product & service provider so that they can apply it to the product & services users are using. Their data, their choice.