Ben Fisher

Ben Fisher

designer + hacker. #NYC #SF
568 points
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Ben Fisher
Ben Fisher
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One of my favorite tools for TailwindCSS + TailwindUI!
UI Libraries by Shuffle
A marketplace for busy front-end developers
Ben Fisher

BuyerBot allows Slack teams to search for products on Amazon from within Slack and request that they be added to a shared Amazon cart.

The bot features multiple cart support, requests and approvals for purchases, and reporting to understand who requested which items.

BuyerBot Slack Bot
BuyerBot Slack Bot
Amazon purchasing for Slack teams
Ben Fisher
CartHook:  Checkout
CartHook: Checkout
Customizable checkout and one-click upsells for Shopify
Ben Fisher
Cently for Slack
Paste any product URL into Slack to buy it automatically
Ben Fisher
Wine n Dine
The Best Food on The Menu
Ben Fisher
One-page checkout for Shopify
One-page checkout for Shopify
The first customizable, one-page checkout app for Shopify
Ben Fisher
Independent research summary on supplements & nutrition
Ben Fisher
Ben Fisher
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Nice update since last version, looks slick! Nice job @mmezzacca =)
Coupons at Checkout 2.0
Coupons at Checkout 2.0
Now auto-applies (even stacks) coupon codes