Jamie Barton

Jamie Barton

Building things with GraphQL
1,317 points
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Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
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Really nice work!
Minipic - Compress Images Superfast
Minipic - Compress Images Superfast
Your pics converted & compressed to multiple formats locally
Jamie Barton
The MongoDB connector will instantly transform any collections configured into a fully functional GraphQL API with comprehensive query and mutation capabilities.
Grafbase MongoDB Connector
Grafbase MongoDB Connector
Instant GraphQL APIs for MongoDB at the edge
Jamie Barton
Do you have a Shopify store and do you want to get more orders? We fund your Google Shopping ads with our money. Pay only for results on orders our app generates. No orders? No charge. Grow your store with risk-free ads.
Order Legend - UK
Order Legend - UK
We spend our own money promoting your products on Google
Jamie Barton
Combine your APIs and Databases into a single GraphQL endpoint at the edge. Easily configure auth, permissions, realtime queries, serverless search, edge caching, and more. Focus on shipping products instead of building infrastructure.
Unify the data layer with GraphQL
Jamie Barton
Leverage the GraphQL ecosystem by being compatible with the existing schema-design (Code/Schema first), HTTP server libraries (Express, Fastify, Next.js, SvelteKit, etc..), and deployment environments (Cloudflare Workers, Deno, AWS Lambda and others..).
GraphQL Yoga
GraphQL Yoga
The fully-featured GraphQL Server
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
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Congrats on the launch!
The open-source Shopify alternative
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
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Great addition! Awesome work on shipping this 🤩
SavvyCal for Stripe
SavvyCal for Stripe
Collect payments for your meetings
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
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Congrats on the launch! This looks really nice 🚀
Design APIs fast, manage content easily
Jamie Barton
CloudGraph is a free and open-source GraphQL-powered search engine for your AWS infrastructure. CloudGraph makes it easy for cloud engineers to write GraphQL queries in order to solve security, compliance, governance, asset inventory, and cost problems.
The GraphQL API for AWS
Jamie Barton
Jamie Barton
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Congrats on the launch! 🙌
Helpdesk by LabiDesk
Helpdesk by LabiDesk
All-in-one helpdesk to assist, engage & sell to leads
Jamie Barton
Build your own Headless eCommerce storefront with Next.js and Snipcart, and deliver swag powered by Printful. End to end commerce, styled using TailwindCSS and deployed on Vercel.
Headless Dropshipping Starter
Headless Dropshipping Starter
Launch your own swag store in 3 easy steps