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Kyle Ivins
Poor cash flow is the #1 killer of small businesses. But Hopscotch Flow makes it possible to instantly accelerate funds from unpaid invoices without alerting your clients or needing a credit check. Never worry about getting paid late again.
Hopscotch Flow
Never get paid late again
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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I love tracking my sleep with Oura - My wife and I track and share our sleep and readiness scores almost every day!
New Discussion: Do You Enjoy Using Tracking Apps to Monitor Your Health?
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Favorite book that shouldn't be listened to on audio??

I'm an audiobook junkie, but some books are so much better reading the actual physical copy. Maybe because it have graphs and charts or just because it's better to ingest slowly and thoughtfully. So what's your favorite book that should be read physically rather than via audio?
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Kudos to you for building so young. You have a massive jump start on most people. Regardless of how the launch goes, keep going!
Alexandre Masse
Exciting! I built a platform for entrepreneurs at 16-year-old and I'll be live tomorrow ! πŸͺ„
Alexandre Masse
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Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Seeing my homescreen as an accountability partner would be awesome!
Track resolutions, goals & habits
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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What Product do you use most that you found here on PH?

It can sometimes be overwhelming to see how many products get launched every day, and many products seem to come and go quickly. Would love to hear which products have stuck in your stack that you still use regularly that you discovered first here on PH. My top tools are Notion, Userflow, Loom, and Storydoc.
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Congrats, that's awesome! Supported!
Currently #5 product of the day for my first ever launch 🀩
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Do weekends count in your streaks?
Isaac Martin Otim
201 day streak
Isaac Martin Otim
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Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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You have to launch a new company on a desert island and only have 3 tools to start making money

What 3 tools do you pick and what business could you pull off with only those 3 tools? Let's assume you have basics like hosting, google workspace, and a browser (and satellite wifi)
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Do you measure seconds to a customer's "Ah-ha!" moment?

For teams trying to succeed using Product Led Growth methods, are you measuring how long it takes for your customer to experience that magic moment with your product when the customer says "Ah-ha, I get it!" - Or when they take certain actions in your product that could make them think, "I don't know how I could live without this product." Would you agree if you aren't measuring it, you...
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Nice to meet you Mahbub - excited to learn from you here!
Mahbub Alam
Hey PH community! It's Mahbub πŸ‘‹
Kyle Ivins
Kyle Ivins
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Anonymously share your biggest success secret

Hey everyone, I'm interested in this project about people's actual secrets of success. Not success theater like you see on LinkedIn but more like what's anonymously spilling the tea on what works or what really doesn't work for you or others you've seen. There's an anonymous form to submit the secrets here: And there's a report on the answers on social...