All activity
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Awesome guys, congratz, and so many good videos!
Netflix for Product Videos
Netflix for Product Videos
A collection of the best product videos from 2023
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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That promo video πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
Pitch 2.0
Create, share and analyze presentations faster than ever
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Beautiful stuff 🀩
Open-source loading animations for your next project
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Awesome product and UI πŸ‘Œ. Good luck today guys!
Streamlabs Podcast Editor
Fast and efficient way to edit your podcasts & interviews
Gustav Ekerot
tabExtend transforms your new tab into a Kanban board, allowing you to offload sites, jot down notes, and strategize your day with to-do's and reminders. Schedule site visits and seamlessly sync everything with our new native mobile apps(iOS and Andriod)
tabExtend 2.0
More efficient browser workflows
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Amazing, this is too good. Well done!
Screenshot tool for those who care about pixels
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Can't wait to try this out, looks awesome!
Headroom 2.0
Hands free meetings with real time AI video conferencing
Gustav Ekerot
tabExtend helps you manage your tabs. The browser extension replaces your new tab with an overview where you can create groups containing your tabs, notes, and text-snippets. Visually organize it all with ease using drag and drop and handy shortcuts.
Easily save tabs and quickly create notes in your browser
Gustav Ekerot
Gustav Ekerot
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Sounds very interesting, subscribed!
First 1000
First 1000
Case studies on how companies got their first 1000 customers