Daniela Muntyan

Daniela Muntyan

Product Designer at Craft Docs
377 points
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Daniela Muntyan
Daniela Muntyan
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Great idea!
Flipner AI
Capture your ideas & craft texts with AI's touch
Daniela Muntyan
Daniela Muntyan
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Amazing product!
Specify 2.0
Your design token engine
Daniela Muntyan
Spellar AI returns with a sleek redesign and new features! Elevate your meetings with personalised feedback, tailored practice sessions, real-time chat assistance, and easy calendar integration. Enhance your communication effortlessly with Spellar AI.
Spellar AI
AI-powered speaking co-pilot
Daniela Muntyan
Daniela Muntyan
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Congratulations to the ZeroID team on the successful launch!
Shaping a secure future for your digital persona
Daniela Muntyan
Daniela Muntyan
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Wow, congratulations on the launch of this amazing tool!
Find sales leads with contact info by searching tech stacks
Daniela Muntyan
Daniela Muntyan
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Definitely Framer or Contra https://framer.com/ https://contra.com/
Mayilsamy c
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