boaz saragossi

boaz saragossi

Designer, Coder, Game developer and more
172 points
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boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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Looks great 👍 I’ll be giving it a try!
Sprint management solution to boost engineering delivery
boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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The stickers are a great addition! love the slack integration, using it all the time.
Guggy V2
Smartly predicting the GIFs & stickers you want to send
boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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Great idea and great execution!
Mapme Stories
Mapme Stories
Tell stunning stories through maps
boaz saragossi
Fontus Airo
Fontus Airo
Turns air into water!
boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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Such a good product, i think it would be a hit! Great work.
Jukedeck 2.0
Jukedeck 2.0
Create unique, royalty-free music for your videos, using AI
boaz saragossi

Know Fast is an app that brings you one video a day to teach you something new

Know Fast
Receive a short daily video that will expand your mind
boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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So simple and effective. Love it!
Tab Counter
View real-time stats for any website in your brower tabs
boaz saragossi
Ask a question, see who gets it...
boaz saragossi
boaz saragossi
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I love the design, clean and simple.
A beautifully simple messaging app for Twitter
boaz saragossi
Free website builder - making web design like Lego™. No code