
The social network for the startup world.
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What is FoundME?
We built an web app for talent, entrepreneurs and their parent entities to support entrepreneurs in the process of starting a business from A to Z. CaIl it the social network for the startup world. Users can conduct the search for talent and insights themselves and get support of our data-driven mentor' to guide them them with actionable steps.
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Focus on your Product - We handle the AI complexities.

Recent launches

Digital Mentor by FoundME

Our Digital Mentor helps entrepreneurs to grow faster. It proposes founders with business challenges and connects them to fellow entrepreneurs, supporting organizations in the ecosystem, specific content and much more.

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Digital Mentor by FoundME image
Extensive resources database for founders

We thought, why keep everything for ourselves... #HelpYourFriends.

We've sought out the tools, articles, ebooks, apps, and more that might interest you.

Extensive resources database for founders image
2 more launches